Tonight’s Good Friday Worship Service

Tonight we celebrate the service of “Tenebrae”, the service of darkness. This service dates back to the early church and was often celebrated in several ways, but all coming to the same message: The Passion and death of Jesus Christ for our sins and our victory over sin, death, and the devil. 

Tonight’s Tenebrae adapts one of the richest traditions of its roots as we use seven candles all centered around the seven last Words of Christ from His cross of death.  As the service progresses, a Word of Christ from His cross will be read and a candle extinguished until all candles are out and the sanctuary is dark. 

PLEASE NOTE: At the end of the service we will be participating in the service of the nails.  As you leave you will process to the large cross, throw your nail into a large metal bucket with the words, “My nail, my sin,” and then depart in Silence remembering the death of our Savior for you!  The sound of the nails as they pound against the bucket call to mind the blows of the hammer and nails that pierced and tore the flesh of Jesus to crucify Him for our sins; truly the nails and punishment we deserved has been placed on Him! 

May the Lord bless your Good Friday Worship this night……

The Service of Confession, Meditation, and Prayer

+ A Moment of Silence +

P:  Lord have mercy.  Christ have mercy.  Lord have mercy.

C:  Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

The Service of Tenebrae

The First Word: “Father, Forgive Them.” Luke 23:32-34

The Second Word: “Today you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:38-43

The Third Word: “Here is your son; here is your mother.” John 19:25-27

The Fourth Word: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Mark 15:33-36

The Fifth Word: “I thirst.” John 19:28-29

The Sixth Word: “It is finished.” John 19:30

The Seventh Word: “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” Luke 23:44-49